Nick Jonas, who recently reunited with his wife Priyanka Chopra in London, cannot seem to stop admiring her. He took to Instagram Reels to share a video of her sitting on the deck and gazing at a rainbow. She wore an oversized white shirt and turned around to smile at him. A cover of Frankie Valli’s song Can’t Take My Eyes Off You played in the background.
“She’s cute. @priyankachopra,” Nick Jonas wrote in the caption. Priyanka Chopra also showered love on him and commented, “Perfect. You’re just perfect.” She added a heart-eyes emoji at the end.
The video also drew appreciative responses from Priyanka and Nick’s fans. “Way beyond cute! Gorgeous,” one said. “Aww what a loving husband,” another added. “You both are cute together,” a third wrote. Many also dropped heart, heart-eyes and fire emojis on the post.
+Last week, Priyanka shared a photo in which she hugged Nick. “He’s home,” she captioned it. She later shared a picture of their feet and wrote, “Boo,” followed by a heart emoji.
Priyanka and Nick got married in dual ceremonies in December 2018 after a whirlwind romance. Last month, they celebrated their three-year engagement anniversary and dedicated sweet Instagram posts to each other on the occasion. “My everything.. 3 years today. Seems like a blink and a lifetime at the same time. I love you,” her post read.
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Priyanka has been stationed in London for several months now due to her professional commitments. She finished shooting for the romantic drama Text For You and is currently filming the Amazon Prime Video series Citadel, executive produced by the Russo brothers, in which she plays a spy.
Priyanka’s other upcoming projects include a romantic comedy written by Mindy Kaling, a wedding-based reality show that she will collaborate with Nick on, and a biopic of Ma Anand Sheela directed by Barry Levinson.
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