Sunday, September 5, 2021

Woman walks through US airport in bikini, netizens say 'at least she's wearing face mask'

In a bizarre incident, a woman was caught on camera walking through Miami airport wearing a bikini and a face mask. The clip was posted on Instagram by ‘Humans of Spirit Airlines’ with a caption that read, “When you have a pool party at noon and a flight at 4pm”. In the clip, the anonymous woman is seen strolling through the airport while wearing an olive-green bikini and a face mask, which was in compliance with Federal Aviation Administration mandates. 

Since shared, the video has taken the internet by storm. The clip has been viewed over 80,000 times and has evoked funny responses from netizens as well. While some users wrote that at least the woman was following the CDC guidelines, others said that she must have been stopped from boarding the plane. one user said, “If she made it on the plane like that she'll be hating life because planes get a lot cooler than airports do”. Another wrote, “She ain’t get on that plane at all. And I’m very sure security caught up with her”. 



Unclear if woman was allowed to board plane

Meanwhile, speaking to NY Post, Spirit Airlines said that the widely shared video is “unverified” but not surprising. A spokesperson for the airlines said that the account often falsely attributes photos and videos to Spirit Airlines. He added that the video could have been taken at any time or any place and it has no “identifying characteristic” of any airline. 

It is unclear if the woman boarded the plane wearing a bikini. But if she did, the spokesperson said that it would’ve violated Spirit’s contract of carriage. The rep informed that the contract could prevent passengers from boarding an airline or even kick them off if they are barefoot or inadequately clothed or if they’re wearing clothing that is “lewd, obscene or offensive in nature”. 

(Image: Instagram)

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This amazing article on "Woman walks through US airport in bikini, netizens say 'at least she's wearing face mask'" was originally found here

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